The Signs of Qiyamah
We are fortunate to have been given so much knowledge of the coming events as the Last Day (Qiyamah) draws closer. No other people have been blessed with such details of the future trials and events that will overcome mankind. While the prophecies in the Qur'an and those told to us by Muhammad (Peace be upon him) are already coming true as time unfolds, Muslims are either unaware or remain unserious regarding their value. Use this knowledge to prepare yourselves and strengthen your faith.
We must also admit that the end times certainly are very near by virtue ofthe many minor signs coming true. Only Allah (SWT) Knows the exact occurrence of the events, but the signs He has blessed us with certainly confirm that we are on the verge of change. This is a matter to be taken seriously.
Begin your journey now.
The Minor Signs of the Last Day
Qiyamah will come when...
Hadhrat Abu Musa Ash'ari (R.A.) narrates that Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhii Wassallam) said, "Qiyamah will come...
* When it will be regarded as a shame to act on Quranic injunctions.
* When untrustworthy people will be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy.
* When it will be hot in winter (and vice versa).
* When the length of days is stretched, i.e. a journey of a few days is covered in a matter of hours.
* When orators and lecturers lie openly.
* When people dispute over petty issues.
* When women with children come displeased on account of them bearing offspring, and barren women remain happy on account of having no responsibility of offspring.
* When oppression, jealousy, and greed become the order of the day.
* When people blatantly follow their passions and whims.
* When lies prevail over the truth.
* When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common.
* When immorality overtakes shamelessness and is perpetrated publicly.
* When legislation matters pertaining to Deen is handed over to the worst elements of the Ummat, and if people accept them and are satisfied with their findings, then such persons will not smell the fragrance of Jannat.
* When the offspring become a cause of grief and anger (for their parents).
The following is part of a lengthy Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood
(R.A.) when he inquired from Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) about the Signs
of Qiyamah.
* Music and musical instruments will be found in every home.
* People will indulge in homosexuality.
* There will be an abundance of illegitimate children.
* There will be an abundance of critics, tale-carriers, back- biters and taunters in society.
* People will establish ties with strangers and sever relations with their near and dear ones.
* Hypocrites will be in control of the affairs of the community and evil, immoral people will be at the helm of business establishments.
* The Masjid will be decorated, but the hearts of the people will be devoid of guidance.
* The courtyards of Masjids will be built beautifully and high mimbars (pulpits) will be erected.
* Gangsters and evil people will prevail.
* Various wines will be consumed excessively.
Auf bin Malik (R.A.) says: I came to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) while he
was in his skin tent during the Tabuk expedition. He said to me, "Count six things before
the advent of Qiyamah:
1 My death
2 The conquest of Jerusalem
3 Mass deaths amongst you people, just as when sheep die in large numbers during an epidemic
4 Abundance of wealth to such an extent that if a person were to be given a hundred Dinars he will still not be satisfied
5 General anarchy and bloodshed, that no Arab household will be spared from it
6 Then a life of peace as a result of a peace agreement between you and the Banil Asfaar (Romans) which they will break and attack you with a force consisting of eighty flags and under each flag will be an army of twelve thousand men." (Hadith: Sahih Bukhari).
Abu Nadhrah says: "We were sitting in the company of Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.) when he said: 'Soon the people of IRAQ will neither receive any food (grain) nor any money.'" We asked, "Why would such a thing happen?" He replied, "Because of the non-Arabs." (i.e. they will prevent food from going into Iraq, in the form of "sanctions" to this day.) He then said: "Soon the people of Shaam (SYRIA) will neither receive any money nor grain." We asked as to why this would happen. He replied: "Because of the Romans (christians)."
Hadhrat Abbas (R.A) narrates that Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) has said, "Islam will spread far and wide, across the seas. Horses will cross the land and seas in the cause of Jihaad. Then a time will come wherein a group of people will emerge which recites the Quraan. They will claim,
'We have recited the Quraan and is there anyone who understands the Quraan better than us? There is NO ONE more proficient than us in the study of the Quraan.'
Then Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) asked the Sahaba, "Do you see any good in their conceited claimants will be from my Ummah and will be the fuel of the Fire."
Signs of Qiyamah
All praise is due to Allah, the Creator and Sustainer, and may His choicest Peace and Blessings be upon His pious servants, foremost among them Our Beloved Nabi, Sayyidena Mohammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
The Quraan reminds us time and again that this universe has been created temporarily and at an appointed time it will surely be annihilated, "Everyone thereon will be annihilated and only the Countenance of your Mighty and Glorious Sustainer shall remain." The exact date and time of this event, termed as Qiyamah, is known to Allah Alone, "Verily Allah Alone has the knowledge of the Hour," (Quraan). The Quraan and the Hadeeth have however informed us about various signs which will occur prior to Qiyaamah and which will be indicative of the closeness of the event. It is indeed very unfortunate to note that despite having before us the various warnings and signs regarding Qiyaamah which have been mentioned by none other than Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), and handed down to us via the authentic of the noble companions, yet certain people professing to be Muslims attach no importance whatsoever to these teachings. Instead, they show deep interest in the baseless vague predictions of some Kaafir. Inaccurate and being capable of interpreted in various ways these predicitions hold no Shari importance.
Major Signs of Qiyamat
All Praise is to Allah Ta'ala, our Creator and Provider. Salaam on His best of Rasuls, Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), the Universal Guide who expounded the Deen-ul-Islam which provides salvation in this world, the grave and the Aakhirat. Blessing be upon the Sahabah (R.A.) who were living examples displaying the practicality of our beautiful Shariat.
Man obtains knowledge and information via three basic sources viz.
1. The five senses.
2. Imagination and "Aqal" (Intellect).
3. Inner Illumination (Kashf, Ilham, Wahy).
These are various forms of spiritual inspirations:
"Wahy" - Divine and protected revelation that is only granted for the guidance of mankind through the Ambiyaa (A.S.) and come in three ways:
1. "Wahy Qalbi" - related to the heart.
2. "Kalam-Illahi" - direct speech with Allah Ta'ala.
3. "Wahy Malaki" - via the angels.
Further "Wahy" can be divided into two types:
1. Matloo - often recited (Qur'an).
2. Ghair Matloo - not often recited (ahadith - Sayings of Rasulullah(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)
Kashf and Illham are two separate entities. According to Imam Rabbani, Kashf is termed sensation while Ilham is closer to intuition. Ilham is more accurate than Kashaf because the latter is the lifting of the veil from something and the former is a direct inspiration into the heart. (Faiz-ul-Bari. Vol. 1 p19)
Imam Ghazali (R.A.) states: "Kashf is bestowed on a pious person who is steadfast in Zikr. Piety is the gateway to Zikr and Zikr is gateway to Kashf" (Ihya-ul-Uloom. vol.3), whilst it is recorded in Faiz-ul-Bari vol. 1 p17 "What the aulias see through Kashf and the Ambiya via their insight while awake, cannot be seen by others".
However, in relation to dreams, Fatah-ul-Bari vol.12 p315 reads: "Dreams can be interpreted in a number of ways and according to certain rules. While every human being dreams, Ilham is vouch safed only to the virtuous and chosen few".
Concerning the preditions etc. of non-believers, Allah Ta'ala says: "Lo! the devils do inspire their minions" sura 6 verse 122. This proves that the devil whispers into their hearts. Further Allah Ta'ala says: "Shall I inform you upon whom the devil descend! They Descend on the evil, sinful and false ones." Sura 26 verses 221/2. The inspiration of the devil is confined to those who are steeped in apostasy, heresy, and shirk.
The simple and fundamental guideline is: "Every Kashf, Ilham or dream shall be judged in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah and if contrary to the Qur'an and Sunnah they shall be rejected."
The Signs of Qiyamat thus form an integral part of Iman. Rejection of it is Kufr.
The Signs of Qiyyamat are divided into two sections:
1. Minor: These are the signs from the birth of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) to the time of the appearance of Hazrat Imam Mahdi.
2. Major: These are the signs from the appearance of Imam Mahdi to the Blowing of the Trumpet.
I have only translated the text of Aalalaat-e-Qiyyamat aur Nuzul-e-Essa - If one is interested in references then refer to the original text.
I pray to the Almighty Allah to grant us the taufeeq to awaken us from the deep slumber we are in and to shrug off the thick sheer cloak of neglect which presently enshrouds us and to take the responsibility to show the path of salvation to the whole of mankind.
By the grace of Allah Ta'ala, this booklet was translated in Masjid-un-Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), Madina Munawwara, during my Haj trip to The Blessed Land. May Allah make this a source of illumantion in the darkness of the grave Insha-Allah. (Ameen).